Gael Hogan
Certified DreamBuilder Coach


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Transforming Your Dreams Into Reality...

As a DreamBuilder Coach, certified by the Life Mastery Institute, Gael Hogan can help you design and manifest a life that's in harmony with your Soul's purpose.

Gael inspires and empowers all those who are drawn to her to live their highest vision in the context of love and joy. Her passion is teaching clients to unlock their true potential, achieve outrageous success, and live a life they LOVE living!

Gael is an inspiring speaker, passionate educator, and a highly sought after transformational coach.

Biography: Gael is an inspirational Speaker, a Spiritual Counselor and a certified DreamBuilder® Coach who is passionate about empowering people who want to live a fulfilling and purpose driven life that they absolutely love living. She has guided, coached and worked with people of all ages. She has also worked with people who are deaf, being fluent in American Sign Language; as well as children and adults who are developmentally delayed.

She believes that each person has a unique and valuable contribution to make to this world and she is passionate about supporting and nurturing that purpose in all those she meets. In her twenties, because of her deep interest and reverence for nature, she completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. In her forties she completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the Visual Arts, answering her passion for creating and bringing more beauty into the world.

Over the last 30 years, she has also worked as an Education Assistant with children from preschool age all the way up to high school. As a sought-after speaker, Gael offers transformational presentations to suit a variety of needs from a 20-minute lunchtime training to a 3 hour Vision Workshop. As a busy, in-demand coach, she guides her clients on a journey of exploration and discovery through the 12 week DreamBuilder® Program. Week by week she teaches people to define and build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more rewarding lives. The DreamBuilder® Program has helped countless people for over 30 years to transform their lives! Why not let it help you transform your life so that you, too, may live the life of your dreams?

Now combining this background with the proven DreamBuilder technology, Gael is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. She is filled with joy and gratitude as she works with people to transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and the life they LOVE living.

Gael offers content rich interactive workshops that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes”.